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SIOMA ( SIM Order Mataram) adalah aplikasipelayanan SIM Online berbasis Android utk masyarakat mataram danada beberapa aplikasi tambahan seperti Skck Online dan pelaporankejadian serta ijin keramaianSioma (SIM Order Mataram)is an application-based services SIM Android Online For mataramcommunity and there are several additional applications such asSKCK Online and event reporting and permission from thehustle
Semeru Polda Jatim 1.3
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Layanan Polda Jatim - SEMERU merupakan layananmasyarakat berbasis Online dari POLDA JATIM untuk masyarakat JawaTimur yg terdiri dari Cek Nomer Plat Kendaraan (NOPOL), CCTVOnline, SKCK Online untuk permohonan baru dan perpanjangan, SP2HPonline, Call Center, Peta Lokasi, dan pengaduan / laporanonline.Service of East JavaPolice - SEMERU a community service-based Online from POLDA JATIMfor the people of East Java which consists of Cheque Number PlateVehicle (nopol), CCTV Online, SKCK Online for a new application andrenewal, SP2HP online, Call Center, map location, and complaints /reports online.
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SASAMBO(Sistem Aplikasi SAMsat & BpkbOnline) adalah layanan online untuk pengurusan STNK dan BPKB bagimasyarakat Nusa Tenggara BaratSASAMBO (SystemApplication Units & lahat Online) is an online service for themaintenance of vehicle registration and BPKB for the people of WestNusa Tenggara